Hello, I’m Thaddeus Thomas

I’m a literary fantasy writer with an eye on expanding our appreciation of the written word—but maybe you only want one part of that, the fiction or the essays on prose style. Well, good news. You can…

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go to: https://literarysalon.thaddeusthomas.com/account

Every Section I offer will have toggles. Toggle on the ones you want to receive and toggle off the ones you don't. Completed serials like Winnie-the-Pooh or Kraken in Coffee Cup have no more emails to send. Toggling them makes no difference. To gain access to completed serials visit the Serials tab in the top menu.

“The Literary Salon” is a catch-all, mostly for older posts that didn’t fit in any of the new. “Right Readers” is a business plan for catching readers with a second Substack. I’ve followed that plan to a point where it now feels best to combine the two. I don’t recommend taking a second Substack lightly, but the greater success was my non-author site newsletter, which validates those early ideas.

go to: https://literarysalon.thaddeusthomas.com/account

“Re: Write” includes all my series for writers, and “Re: Read” focuses, naturally, on readers. “Short Fiction” and “Serials” get you access to my posted fiction.

“Substack Authors” contains all my various ways of finding new fiction on Substack and of being found. The Champion series is coming soon.

I closed my Philosophy blog, too, and the old posts are collected under “Philosophy”. Any addition will be rare.

“Community Notes” help me share news about Literary Salon with you.

There will be a Section for each new serial as well, and if you don’t like one, all you have to do is visit your account and toggle it off. I will try to include links to make this easy.

Not shown: you can choose whether you want to be notified with there’s a new thread in chat.

go to: https://literarysalon.thaddeusthomas.com/account

This format works for any Substack, including your own.

Just type in [the address]/account.

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I host book giveaways to help authors gain subscribers for their newsletters. We you see a link, make sure to visit!

Completed Serials are Available

Check out a serial you haven’t read: Serials

Or catch a short story.

Bookmotion News

I have a private newsletter to serve as communications with bookmotion.pro participants. You can find it by visiting news.bookmotion.pro.

I’ll email newsletters when there’s something big to communicate, and for daily stuff, we’ll meet in the chat.

If you’re involved in Bookmotion, please subscribe.

If you’re interested in joining us, you can check out bookmotion.pro, but there’s often a waiting list to get in. The base fee is $80 a year with additional fees for additional services. That $80 gets you a managed Book Funnel account, but you can DIY Book Funnel for $100 a year.

An Invitation to Literary Salon

I collect links to all by various essay series here:

Welcome aboard,

Thaddeus Thomas

Subscribe to The Literary Salon with Thaddeus Thomas

From literary fantasy author, Thaddeus Thomas: discover fiction and improve your prose style. "I've finally found the deep dive, line-level craft essays I've been craving." -- Gemorabilia


literary fantasy author • analyzing fiction on a line level • exploring how we fiction writers can mature our prose