he writes surveys that do look like stories.
he writes thoughts that looks like an acid trip,
— he even writes About pages that look like stories (check it out, it’s hilarious). His stuff sometimes falls more neatly into genres like scifi
or litfic or fantasy
but you never know what you’re in for except that it’ll be extremely well-written. There have been numerous stories where I learned more about writing just by observing the way Jack does it.
Another thing I respect is that for Nagy, it’s clearly not about becoming popular. It’s all about the craft — the creation, the expression. All of his story titles are numbers. Many can’t even be commented on, and I get the sense it’s because for Nagy, it’s not about the praise or the recognition — it’s just about the art. You can just tell that he will write things worth reading, with or without a reader, and I respect that so much. I have restacked so many of his stories that at one point I worried people would become annoyed.
Please, do yourself a favor and read some of his stuff. It’s sometimes weird. It’s sometimes funny. It’s always excellent.
- the craft of Jack Nagy has been presented to you by
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Keith, this is extraordinarily kind of you.
I am very glad that you enjoy my work, and although I certainly try to write primarily for myself, your support has definitely encouraged me to write more over the last year than I otherwise would have.
I've been a bit quiet on here lately, as I'm juggling a few other projects. Notably, I'm planning a novel that I expect to take me a few years. (Not because I have delusions of grandeur or want to put down 400k words, but purely due to time constraints!)
If I finish it — big if — you'll be the first to get a copy.
Thank you again for the kindness. I will pass it on to others. Wishing you the best as well.
He sounds like my kind of writer. Subscribing now!