Keith, this is extraordinarily kind of you.

I am very glad that you enjoy my work, and although I certainly try to write primarily for myself, your support has definitely encouraged me to write more over the last year than I otherwise would have.

I've been a bit quiet on here lately, as I'm juggling a few other projects. Notably, I'm planning a novel that I expect to take me a few years. (Not because I have delusions of grandeur or want to put down 400k words, but purely due to time constraints!)

If I finish it — big if — you'll be the first to get a copy.

Thank you again for the kindness. I will pass it on to others. Wishing you the best as well.

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That’s so exciting, I have no doubt it will be excellent! If you ever need a beta reader, lemme know. I am after all, your Biggest Fan™ lol I’m glad I have encouraged you to write more, you’ve certainly done the same for me!

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He sounds like my kind of writer. Subscribing now!

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