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This is terrific writing. I love the way your mix the exotic feeling of sci-fi with the literary analysis of the Russian soul quoting Dostoyevsky. I think you're doing an excellent job of embuing your characters with those qualities.

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Thank you!

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I'm so wrapped up in this now... it has many of the tones I enjoy in Sci-fi - a light touch on the tech just enough to reveal the humans within, exploration of what it means to be human, how humans will change evolve as they lose contact with their roots - time and distance as a force of fundamental psychological change - I'm reminded at times of one of my favourite books - Tau Zero which shares the same sense of infinite loss/ irreplaceable change/ evolution of humanity that is hinted at in the first three chapters. I mention it with equal affection for your work. Is it wrong I want more woof?

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It took me three chapters to realize that the Strelki and the people were Russian. I guess it never crossed my mind. That's how good the story is.

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Thank you!

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