Those Who Champion Great Writing
Authors who volunteered to write for the Champion series.
Don't worry about the schedule. You're free to submit at any time.
Want to read the posts already submitted? Check the list here:
The word goal is around 500 words. The email to submit to is judasdthomas [at gmail]
The original note and post:
The email address you’ll send your manuscript to is judasdthomas[@]gmail[.]com.
Please visit the first article.
You’ll send me an article to the address listed above. Suggested dates are below. Look for your name.
Subscribe so that you can see the early examples. Next week the second article will be written by
I’ll spread these out at first but then they’ll start coming more frequently so you’re not waiting a year to have your article featured.
BIG BIG TIP: focus on the author you’re championing. Let us know who you are and share your links, but try not to make this an overt sales pitch for your page. I suspect that would backfire. If you can get subscriptions for yourself, great, but those who don’t subscribe to you right away—you want them leaving your article with positive thoughts about how you lifted up another artist. Those good vibes translate into subscriptions as they see you again in their feed. I’m not saying you won’t get subscriptions directly from this, but I am saying don’t push so hard for yourself that you leave a bad taste in the readers’ mouth.
I want this to benefit everyone, and if this continues, you may find yourself with a champion of your own.
Remember, the dates listed are suggestions, and publishing months aren’t guaranteed. You are welcome to submit earlier, I will publish earlier if there is an opportunity.
(can you email it to me by the 25th, Andy?)March (by March 5th)
April (by March 31st)
May (April 30th)
June (by end of May)
(I hope this is the right person)July (by end of June)
August (by end of July)
September (by end of August)
(Hopefully this is the right person)
Hi, just to be sure - is the goal to write an article about a Substack that's on this list? I have a Substack in mind but they're not on the list :)
I'll try and submit as early as I can