<the argh of disbelief>

just... touched right on the heart strings by this. so overcome with good feelings i will give back All the horses immediately.

thank you dear friend...what a place this is...and so many worthy champions in it 😎

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You are a good writer, Nick, I am always surprised by the pivot in style you can do piece by piece!

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Richly deserved! I know I haven’t read much of your writing yet, but I love your wordplay.

Bask in the limelight!

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Nick is one of the first people I heard about once my fiancee discovered notes. He's an excellent writer, a wonderful human being, and an absolute joy. His Dark Tidings piece was magnificent. I'm happy Andy (or Andy's clone) put a spotlight on him because Nick REALLY gives a shit about the community. If he likes your work, you'll know, and so will everyone else. He champions everyone else, all the time, forever, I'm glad to see someone pointing out his work like this.

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Yeah, Nick! Well deserved for both your dedication to the fiction community AND either more or equally important — you’re extreme talent at writing.

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