Nick Winney, Author, not Horse Thief
At least, there's no proof he's a horse thief. There's no proof he's not a horse thief, either. There is, however, plenty of proof he's a damn good writer.
I think Thaddeus has a great idea here with this Champion Series and I am pleased and honored to ride into battle for my mate, Nick Winney. Of course, I’m riding a donkey and armed with a broomstick, but I’ll make a valiant effort to do justice to this series.
In his bio, Nick writes that he “dreams of doing something interesting with his dwindling days.” Well, wake up, Nick, because it’s happening! I’m a sucker for honest writing and experimentation, and Nick delivers on both counts.
If you crave an ominous atmosphere of suffocating medical sterility, go right to White Matter Disease. Prepare to be creeped out.
If you are a truly intrepid soul, go for A memory made sweeter by it, a nonfiction piece that was my introduction to the Winneyverse and sticks with me many months after reading. In fact, I went back and read it again for this post. I dare you not to feel something.
Nick is also a vivid presence in the Substack writing community, liking, commenting on, and sharing the works of others, collaborating in community events, and attending workshops with other ‘stackers. (He also has excellent taste.)
So, give him a read and a sub!
—Our guest Champion today is
, who can’t understand why his stories for children keep getting mistaken for masterful literary lacerations of horror, bleeding with that sweet, sweet homicidal madness of the damned.
<the argh of disbelief>
just... touched right on the heart strings by this. so overcome with good feelings i will give back All the horses immediately.
thank you dear friend...what a place this is...and so many worthy champions in it 😎
Richly deserved! I know I haven’t read much of your writing yet, but I love your wordplay.
Bask in the limelight!